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IEEE SSIT collaborates with the Green ICT Initiative

The Green ICT Initiative seeks to “build a holistic approach to sustainability by incorporating green metrics in all IEEE technical domains” by bringing together various IEEE Societies and other FDC initiatives and encouraging them to showcase “green” facets of their activities. Most recently, the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) has partnered with the Initiative and invited its members to contribute to the Green ICT activities including the Web Portal, the Green ICT Newsletter, the coming Sustainability and ICT Magazine, and the Greening through ICT* Summit (GtICT) in Paris next May 2017.
Check out the November SSIT Newsletter, which published an “employment ad” seeking volunteer contributors to advocate for ICT as a key lever for sustainable development:[UNIQID]
Given that the Green ICT Initiative’s triple bottom line involves supporting sustainability through the economy, environment and society, a partnership with SSIT makes a lot of sense. Founded in 1972, SSIT is concerned with how technology impacts the world, and with how the application of technology can improve the world. The organization focuses on 5 main areas: Sustainable technology; Technology for humanitarian and development purposes; Technology ethics; Technology accessibility; And the social impact of emerging technology.  
See the SSIT web site for more information: